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24 November, 2010

Be the Greatest you can BE! - Let it go!

It is no secret that everyone has their own personal issues. Even the most "privledged" has their share of emotional difficulty in their everyday life.

In today's society your in charge of your own destiny (for the most part). The last thing you need to do is have emotional feelings drag you down.

The only way to happieness is to control your destiny. YOU make your decisions. YOU suffer your consequences. Have your back because its your life you should be worried about it. If you find yourself not happy maybe it is because you aren't doing something you should be doing.

You can follow some of the below advice to start taking control of your life. Stop whining, stop being scared and do something to make a difference.

Below are 10 tips to LET IT GO.
  1. Stop taking so much notice of how you feel. How you feel is how you feel. It’ll pass soon. What you’re thinking is what you’re thinking. It’ll go too. Tell yourself that whatever you feel, you feel; whatever you think, you think. Since you can’t stop yourself thinking, or prevent emotions from arising in your mind, it makes no sense to be proud or ashamed of either. You didn’t cause them. Only your actions are directly under your control. They’re the only proper cause of pleasure or shame.
  2. Let go of worrying. It often makes things worse. The more you think about something bad, the more likely it is to happen. When you’re hair-trigger primed to notice the first sign of trouble, you’ll surely find something close enough to convince yourself it’s come.
  3. Ease up on the internal life commentary. If you want to be happy, stop telling yourself you’re miserable. People are always telling themselves how they feel, what they’re thinking, what others feel about them, what this or that event really means. Most of it’s imagination. The rest is equal parts lies and misunderstandings. You have only the most limited understanding of what others feel about you. Usually they’re no better informed on the subject; and they care about it far less than you do. You have no way of knowing what this or that event really means. Whatever you tell yourself will be make-believe.
  4. Take no notice of your inner critic. Judging yourself is pointless. Judging others is half-witted. Whatever you achieve, someone else will always do better. However bad you are, others are worse. Since you can tell neither what’s best nor what’s worst, how can you place yourself correctly between them? Judging others is foolish since you cannot know all the facts, cannot create a reliable or objective scale, have no means of knowing whether your criteria match anyone else’s, and cannot have more than a limited and extremely partial view of the other person. Who cares about your opinion anyway?
  5. Give up on feeling guilty. Guilt changes nothing. It may make you feel you’re accepting responsibility, but it can’t produce anything new in your life. If you feel guilty about something you’ve done, either do something to put it right or accept you screwed up and try not to do so again. Then let it go. If you’re feeling guilty about what someone else did, see a psychiatrist. That’s insane.
  6. Stop being concerned what the rest of the world says about you. Nasty people can’t make you mad. Nice people can’t make you happy. Events or people are simply events or people. They can’t make you anything. You have to do that for yourself. Whatever emotions arise in you as a result of external events, they’re powerless until you pick them up and decide to act on them. Besides, most people are far too busy thinking about themselves (and worry what you are are thinking and saying about them) to be concerned about you.
  7. Stop keeping score. Numbers are just numbers. They don’t have mystical powers. Because something is expressed as a number, a ratio or any other numerical pattern doesn’t mean it’s true. Plenty of lovingly calculated business indicators are irrelevant, gibberish, nonsensical, or just plain wrong. If you don’t understand it, or it’s telling you something bizarre, ignore it. There’s nothing scientific about relying on false data. Nor anything useful about charting your life by numbers that were silly in the first place.
  8. Don’t be concerned that your life and career aren’t working out the way you planned. The closer you stick to any plan, the quicker you’ll go wrong. The world changes constantly. However carefully you analyzed the situation when you made the plan, if it’s more than a few days old, things will already be different. After a month, they’ll be very different. After a year, virtually nothing will be the same as it was when you started. Planning is only useful as a discipline to force people to think carefully about what they know and what they don’t. Once you start, throw the plan away and keep your eyes on reality.
  9. Don’t let others use you to avoid being responsible for their own decisions. To hold yourself responsible for someone else’s success and happiness demeans them and proves you’ve lost the plot. It’s their life. They have to live it. You can’t do it for them; nor can you stop them from messing it up if they’re determined to do so. The job of a supervisor is to help and supervise. Only control-freaks and some others with a less serious mental disability fail to understand this.
  10. Don’t worry about about your personality. You don’t really have one. Personality, like ego, is a concept invented by your mind. It doesn’t exist in the real world. Personality is a word for the general impression that you give through your words and actions. If your personality isn’t likeable today, don’t worry. You can always change it, so long as you allow yourself to do so. What fixes someone’s personality in one place is a determined effort on their part—usually through continually telling themselves they’re this or that kind of person and acting on what they say. If you don’t like the way you are, make yourself different. You’re the only person who’s standing in your way.

Door to Door Scams - Watch who you work for!

Charities like Sick Kids Foundation and Worldvision do great things for the community. Everyone should put aside some of their earnings and contribute to those in need. 

It is important though, that when you do contribute you don't contribute in the wrong way. Many marketing/networking agencies now make profit on "selling" monthly packages of "monthly donations" to charity via door to door sales.

Now here is the rock. and here is the hard place. These companies claim to contribute thousands upon thousands of dollars to their specific chairity, but only 5%* from the montly donations they get. So yes the charity is recieving money they might not of, but these companies are recieving over 90%*.

These companies pride themselves on being a non-profit organization, but with more prying (went to several interviews from these network companies) I noticed that people who started just months ago were now "owners" of their own office. Wow that is a little fast for working with charities no?

The company lures their employees in with false hope of "helping children in need" you then come to realize you are walking door to door, rain or shine, lying to those nice enough to open their door. To sign someone up you must tell them about "leukemia, heart disease and various other illnesses..stuff that no child should ever go through"......and if the person has children, be nice to them in order to guilt the parents. Sometimes it is wise to ask them if they have heard of "Sick Kids Hospital" most say yes, "well then you are aware of the wonderful work they do right?" to top it off you must then tell them that they will recieve up to 100% tax deductable receipts for the next tax return on all their donations....."so whats the harm in setting aside $15-35 dollars a month?" especially when "100% of it goes directly to the children" (umm no I do not get paid :S). Oh and not to mention this donation is a withdrawl from your bank account or credit card on a specific day of the month, and it wont end untill you give 30 days notice cancellation. "It is your intention to help these kids for at least a year right?"

Now the pay structure for the door to door sales is quite simple, minumum wage an hour, but if you sell one "monthly donation" per day you can make up to $40 per hour. Oh and of course the catch, if you do not sell more than "two per week" you are fired... yes you do sign for that at the beginning, you know while reading about the hospital/charity you will be helping. The job itself is not difficult work, if you dont mind walking for hours during peoples dinner times, keeping track of those who do/do not answer their door, so you can return to hound them again, and being dropped off in usually low budget areas.... you spend the morning "practicing your pitch". Isnt this suppose to be genuine charity work??

If you aren't so lucky and you did sign up for a monthly donation you are then told that you are going to speak with someone from the actual foundation/charity to verify your information. In fact you are speaking with the networking groups "call center". They do not work at the actual charity. You are coached to just say "yes" to whatever they ask you by the door to door salesperson. Buggers trying to verify anything and everything! These calls are recorded and you do agree to all the charges they will start issuing.

For those who do take the time to think about all the information about these charities, and want more information, they are told to go to the charities main web page and they do not have any literature because "that would cost to much, when all the money should be going to the children". Oh and say "child" not "kid" because it pulls on the persons heart strings more. They are only in the area for the evening and would have no problem coming back after you "read the website".

This type of "charity marketing" has been exposed in the past. Below are links to the story covered in 2007. But this is still going on. In Toronto there are over 3 offices that I am aware of and have visited personally, I do believes others exsist all over Canada. The big umbrella is the TNI network. If you are lured for an interview make sure that you ask if TNI is involved. Do your research and stay informed.

*5% is an appx
*90% is an appx


These charities DO NEED YOUR HELP. Please do not let door to door scams deture you from helping people in need. Do what you can and help those around you.  

23 November, 2010

Happy Holidays - From Hate Comes Love

Over 1 million Israelis live in constant fear of terror. Kassam rockets are fired regularly at children and other civilians. Today we pay tribute to Yaron Bob. Yaron makes menorahs from the remnants of Kassam rockets fired into Israel.
Beauty from Ashes, turning something so full of hate, death and war into beauty, hope and devotion is what happens when these objects are transformed.

For the full story or to purchase the Menorahs follow the following link: